Jumat, 03 April 2009

Tiens Honoured Title Rankings

• The company sets aside 5% of its global turnover as the Honoured Bonus.

• The Honoured Bonus will be restricted to Consultants attaining the status level of Bronze Lion or higher.

1.      Bronze Lion


Any 8-Star Consultant having at least two direct networks, with an 8-Star Consultant in each network.

Benefits and Conditions:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100BV or Auto-ship 50BV, as a Bronze Lion Consultant you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus.

Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1% of the GBV of your fi rst level SSC, 1% of the GBV of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth, 0.5% of the GBV of your fifth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV or more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 or 4. Thirdly, you will receive the Bronze Lion honoured Bonus, which is 20% of the Honoured Bonus shared among all the Bronze Lion Consultants, on the condition that your GBV reaches 2500BV or more.

2.      Silver Lion


Any 8-Star Consultant having at least three direct networks, with an 8-Star Consultant in each network.

Benefits and Conditions:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100BV or Auto-ship 50BV, as a Silver Lion Consultant you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus.

Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1 % of the GBV of your fi rst level SSC, 1 % of the GBV of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth, 0.5% of the GBV of your fifth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV or more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Thirdly, you will receive the Silver Lion Honoured Bonus, which is 15% of the Honoured Bonus shared among all the Silver Lion Consultants, on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV or more.

3.      Gold Lion


Any 8-Star Consultant having at lease four direct networks, with an 8-Star Consultant in each network.

Benefits and Conditions:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100BV or Auto-ship 50BV, as a Gold Lion Consultant you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus.

Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1% of the GBV of your first level SSC 1% of the GBV of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth. 0.5% of the GBV of your fifth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV

or more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Thirdly, you will receive the Gold Lion Honored Bonus, which is 10% of the Honored Bonus shared among all the Gold Lion Consultants, on the condition that your GBV reaches 1000 BV or more.

4.      1-Star Gold Lion


Any 8-Star Consultant having at least fi ve direct networks, with an 8-Star Consultant in each network.

Benefits and Conditions:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100BV or Autoship 50BV, as a 1-Star Gold Lion Consultant you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus.

Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1% of the GBV of your fi rst level SSC, 1% of the GBV of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth, 0.5% of the GBV of your fifth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV or

more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Thirdly, you will receive the 1-Star Gold Lion Honoured Bonus, which is 10% of the Honoured Bonus shared among all the 1-Star Gold Lion Consultants, on the condition that five of your direct networks have an 8-Star Consultant each and the TNBV of each of these 8-Star Consultants reaches 30,000 BV or more.

5.      2-Star Gold Lion


Any 8-Star Consultant having at least six direct networks, with an 8-Star Consultant in each network.

Benefits and Conditions:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100 BV or Auto-ship 50 BV, as a 2-Star Gold Lion Consultant you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus.

Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1% of the GBV of your fi rst level SSC, 1% of the GBV of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth, 0.5% of the GBV of your fifth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV or

more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Thirdly, you will receive the 2-Star Gold Lion Honoured Bonus, which is 10% of the Honoured Bonus shared among all the 2-Star Gold Lion Consultants, on the condition that six of your direct networks have an 8-Star Consultant each and the TNBV of each of these 8-Star Consultants reaches 30,000 BV or more.

6.      3-Star Gold Lion


Any 8-Star Consultant having at least seven direct networks, with an 8-Star Consultant in each network.

Benefits and Conditions:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100BV or Auto-ship 50BV, as a 3-Star Gold Lion Consultant you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus.

Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1% of the GBV of your fi rst level SSC, 1% of the GBV of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth, 0.5% of the GBV of your fi fth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV or

more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Thirdly, you will receive the 3-Star Gold Lion Honoured Bonus, which is 10% of the Honoured Bonus shared among all the 3-Star Gold Lion Consultants, on the condition that seven of your direct networks have an 8-Star Consultant each and the TNBV of each of these 8-Star Consultants reaches 30,000 BV or more.

7.      4-Star Gold Lion


Any 8-Star Consultant having at least eight direct networks, with an 8-Star Consultant in each network.

Benefits and Conditions:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100BV or Auto-ship 50 BV, as a 4-Star Gold Lion Consultant you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus.

Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1% of the GBV of your fi rst level SSC, 1% of the GBV of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth, 0.5% of the GBV of your fifth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2,000 BV or

more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Thirdly, you will receive the 4-Star Gold Lion Honoured Bonus, which is 10% of the Honoured Bonus shared among all the 4-Star Gold Lion Consultants, on the condition that eight of your direct networks have an 8-Star Consultant each and the TNBV of each of these 8-Star Consultants reaches 30,000 BV or more.

8.      5-Star Gold Lion


Any 8-Star Consultant having at least ten direct networks, with an 8-Star Consultant in each network.

Benefits and Conditions:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100 BV or Autoship 50 BV, as a 5-Star Gold Lion Consultant you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus.

Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1% of the GBV of your fi rst level SSC, 1% of the GBV of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth, 0.5% of the GBV of your fifth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV or

more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Thirdly, you will receive the 5-Star Gold Lion Honoured Bonus, which is 10% of the Honoured Bonus shared among all the 5-Star Gold Lion Consultants, on the condition that ten of your direct networks have an 8-Star Consultant each and the TNBV of each of these 8-Star Consultants reaches 30,000 BV or more.

9.      Honoured Director


Any 8-Star Consultant having at least four direct networks, with a Gold Lion Consultant in each network.

Benefits and Conditions:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100 BV or Auto-ship 50 BV, as a Honoured Director you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus.

Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1% of the GBV of your fi rst level SSC, 1% of the GBV of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth, 0.5% of the GBV of your fifth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV or more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Thirdly, you will receive the Honoured Director Consultant Bonus, which is 5% of the Honoured Bonus shared among all the Honoured Director Consultants, on the condition that four of your direct networks have a Gold Lion Consultant each and the TNBV of each of these Gold Lion Consultants reaches 120,000 BV or more.

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Dear admin,how much its fees when registers as a new user?thanks

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