Jumat, 30 April 2010

Using Online Forums To Promote Website Traffic

Many web users frequently involve themselves in at least one online forum. Online forums are a great way to connect with others on a more personal level. Some forums are very informal and involve discussion on everyday issues, while others are more informational. If you are trying to find free ways to advertise your own website, using online forums to promote website traffic is a great idea. There are several ways you can use online forums to promote website traffic. You should carefully consider the various different approaches and how you want your company to be viewed before using a forum as a means of advertising.

The easiest way you can use an online forum to promote your website, is by simply adding a link to your website in your forum “signature”. Many forums allow each member to create a “signature” that is added to the bottom of each of their posts. If you include your website address, it is likely that others you chat with in the forums will become more familiar with the website name and probably even check it out. This is one of the most reserved ways to promote website traffic in online forums. This is a great option for someone who does not want to be as pushy about the advertising aspect. You can be more natural with the ad delivery by using forums in this manner. You can even begin visiting forums that you usually don’t, just to get your “signature” out there more frequently across the web. Many blogs also allow comment sections where you can leave your website in your “signature”, so take advantage of these avenues as well.

You can also simply post advertisements into online forums. This is a more direct way of reaching those that read the forum. It is free indeed, however you need to be aware of a few things before using this approach. First, some online forum moderators do not allow direct advertisements on their boards. They usually don’t do this to be mean or unreasonable; they do it to avoid the entire forum being filled with advertisements. It is possible that you may be able to sneak an advertisement in without being scolded, but it is better to follow the rules.

Another thing to consider when using direct advertisements in online forums is that the entire approach may seem a little pushy. Many people consider online forums as a place that is personal and free from annoying ads. Therefore, they may not respond well to a direct advertisement as they may see it as being made by an intruder that is not part of the normal forum “family”. Being bold enough to go this route however will most definitely give your site more traffic, because some of the readers will be prompted to check out more information from your post.

When deciding to use online forums to promote website traffic you need to consider what types of forums would be most appropriate for your posts. You can certainly use forums that you regularly comment within, even if they have nothing to do with your website. People who are use to seeing your comments will likely respond warmly to your website just because they consider you familiar. In addition to your regular forums, consider searching for forums that have some sort of a link to the content on your website.

For example, if you have a website about exercise, consider looking for a fitness forum to post within. After posting at the sites that are directly related to the content of your website, consider going to those that are somewhat related. Using the same example for the exercise website, consider also posting on sites that are about overall health or dieting. This will attract a broader audience. Overall, the more people you reach with your use of online forums to promote website traffic, the more positive results you will see. Using forums are perfect for those on a tight budget who still want to promote their site. Just be sure to consider forum rules and choose an appropriate approach before posting. You don’t want to ruin your website’s reputation or even the reputation of your business.


internet marketing,online business, traffic,online advertising,ecommerce,marketing,seo,

Jumat, 09 April 2010

Automating your online business

Automating your online business is one of the most important steps you can take to insure your success on the internet.

If you have been on the internet for any time at all, you know that there are just too many tasks to do each day to be really efficient and productive with them all.

Learning to delegate some of those routine,  daily activities is one way to insure your site's success and to give you much more time in the day for the most important task which is that of promotion and marketing your site.



Probably one of the best-known and popular ways to handle routine messages to inquirers is the use of auto-responders.

It is simple and easy to set up your messages which usually involve several follow-up messages to remind your visitors what you are offering and how to find your site again.

Here are some free ones:

http://www.freeautobot.com/     (ad free also.)





If you are trying to run your own newsletter, handling the process by yourself can eat up a lot of valuable time.  In the beginning  this may be possible,  but as your list grows and the tasks involved keep multiplying, your time demands will increase also.

There are lots of ways to manage a mailing list including installing your own scripts and  purchasing your own software.  Weigh the pros and cons, but be sure and check out the possibility of *farming out* the responsibility to a mailing list service.

Here are some to consider:



http://www.zinester.com/    (free and paid versions)

Free ones include:




There are many software options available depending upon your work online.  Here are some possible software applications available.  Just do a search online.

~Creating links to your site and others.

~HTML editors

~Ad swaps


~Subscription management

~Survey forms


Well,  this is just a no-brainer. It is just too simple not to do this one.

Having an automated payment system that allows you to accept credit card payments for your products or services and is something that everyone has to have to be successful online.

Here are a couple of third-party ones that I use and recommend:

ClickBank--  http://www.ClickBank.com/   

PayPal--    http://www.PayPal.com/


If you are going to advertise your products and/or services online, then it is critical that you track your results.

Knowing how many hits you got to your site is nice, but it won't take care of your questions like,  "Where did my traffic and sales come from?"

Here are some ad tracking systems.  (Some offer  free versions.)




Implementing these five time-saving helpers is a very important benchmark in moving your business into a phase that will free up some time to insure  your success online.

Best of luck with your promotional efforts.


automate, automation, site promotion, autoresponders, ad tracking, software, list management, payments, clickbank, paypal

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