Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009

TBS | Cara Cepat Membangun Jaringan Tiens

TBS LNI fokus di 1 kaki Inobiz Tiens support system menerapkan strategy baru, pastinya strategy ini akan lebih membuat inobiz menjadi support system Tiens online yang paling cepat mencetak leader-leader Tiens.

The new strategy ini diterapkan untuk memudahkan para Inobizer ( Member Tiens dengan Inobiz Support Sytem ) setelah sekian banyak Inobiz memberikan kemudahan-kemudahan bagi inobizer seperti bantuan dana dan produk gratis, bimbingan online dll.

Well apa sih strategy baru inobiz ini ????

Setelah sukses mengusung force matrik 4x4, dan mencetak leader-leader yang tersebar di penjuru Nusantara, Malaysia, Hongkong dan Belanda. Sekarang Inobiz ingin lebih terfokus lagi dalam membangun jaringan dengan Menerapkan TBS ( Team Bussiness Strategy).

Team Business Strategy (TBS) adalah strategi untuk mencetak Star Distributor secara cepat. Dengan fokus di 1 kaki membentuk 10 kedalaman.

Dengan memiliki banyak Star Distributor dalam organisasi Anda, maka bisnis Anda akan menjadi ASSET yang kuat & stabil.

And apa sich tujuan TBS ????

  • Mempertinggi tingkat kesuksesan distributor baru di bisnis Tianshi dengan bekerja sama satu dengan yang lain dalam sebuah teamwork.

  • Membuat distributor bekerja secara lebih fokus untuk bersama-sama membangun asset yang kuat & stabil.

  • Memanfaatkan secara maksimal potensi dari Tianshi, LNI & Inobiz sebagai kendaraan untuk mewujudkan impian.

Dan apa keuntungan anda menjalani Tiens bersama kami dengan TBS ???

  • Menciptakan Sense of Urgency

Membuat orang memiliki perasaan mendesak untuk segera memutuskan bergabung karena dengan menunda, ada kemungkinan prospek tersebut akan mendapat urutan yang lebih bawah.

  • Membuat kerja kita lebih fokus

Kerja kita tidak lagi menyebar ke beberapa cabang, tapi lebih fokus. Dalam satu waktu, kita cukup membangun 2 kaki. Dan begitu salah satu kaki kita stabil, kita tinggal menambah 1 kaki lagi.
  • Kategori Pasif menjadi Aktif

Jika ada yang bergabung sebagai kategori pasif, masukkan saja ke dalam tim bisnis. Jika secara rutin Anda memberitahu distributor pasif Anda mengenai perkembangan network dia, ada kemungkinan mereka akan berubah pikiran dan mau aktif menjalankan bisnis ini. Dengan kata lain seorang pasif pun akan memiliki jaringan yang
terus berkembang.

Anda sudah melihat strategi ini. Team yang saya katakan tadi saat ini sudah berjalan. Kami sangat menyarankan Anda untuk segera mengambil keputusan, karena penundaan berarti Anda akan tertinggal beberapa langkah. Kami satu team sangat ingin cepat sukses di usaha ini.

Anda bisa saja menunda satu dua hari untuk berpikir mengenai peluang ini. Tapi kami tidak menjamin dalam satu atau dua hari mendatang sudah ada beberapa orang lagi yang bergabung, sehingga Anda akan berada dalam urutan yang lebih dalam dari orang yang mengundang Anda saat ini. Dan sayang sekali jika Anda melewatkan peluang yang demikian bagus untuk bekerja sama dengan team.

Nah, bagi Anda yang saat ini telah memutuskan untuk bergabung di dalam team, silahkan klik disini.

Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut silahkan download file powerpoint TBS.
Download TBS
Download TBS File

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

The Key To Sponsoring More Prospects

prospect anda, klik disini The Key To Sponsoring More Prospects Quicker by Michael L. Smith

Alright so what is the one key you came here to learn about? This simple key is called posture. So is this just sitting up in your chair? Well that has a little bit to do with it.

What posture really means is how you come accross on the phone. Having posture is basically having control. You are in control of the conversation at all times. And how do you keep control of the conversation you ask?

Well it's really simple; the one who is asking the questions is the one in control. Think of it like a movie where a guy is getting interrogated by the cops. Who is in control? Well definately the cops because they are asking the questions, while the innocent man is basically being dominated.

Posture may be more difficult for some because you have to truly believe that you are a leader. That you will be successful without the person on the other end of the phone. This doesn't mean that you should be rude! There is a very important line between confidence and being rude.

Posture is knowing that the person on the other end has to qualify for YOUR time not the other way around, very important. I don't care if this person is a CEO of some fortune 500 company, (s)he still has to qualify for your time.

Here is a quick example of a first call with posture.

Prospect Joe: So is this another one of those MLMs or something?

You: Well Joe that is a great question but right now isn't the time for it. This is simply an interview and I'm qualifying you for my time. So we can keep going with the interview or just end it right now. Which would you prefer?

If they are a serious prospect they will say, sorry go ahead.

Now what happened there is that I kept the control of the call on my side. This is vitally important for two reasons. One is that it puts you into a position of a leader, you are serious and you mean business. People follow leaders, end of story.

Second, it also positions you as the expert on the topic. People always seek out experts in their fields. Why do people go to doctors when they're sick?

People don't join your business because of your product or comp plan. They join YOU and they join because they feel YOU can lead them to their goals.

Here are some ideas to get you in the right posture.

For one, stand when you're on the phone. This instantly changes your attitude. Another would be to put on some nice clothes and shoes while prospecting. You would be amazed at what this really does for your confidence.

Next, talk a little faster and a little louder. This doesn't mean scream into the headset, just a little louder than normal.

As soon as the call starts you are taking away from the prospect. This basically just means that you are trying to find a reason not to sponsor them! This sounds a little weird, but in the end it will pay dividends.

These are a few tips to get you into the right mindset, but you will determine your own success.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mike Smith Is An Expert Internet Network Marketer. He Has Helped Numerous People Break Free From The Lead Generation Companies. For Instant Free Access To His Insider Secrets: Click Here! - To Subscribe To Mike's Helpful Newsletter: Click Here!

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Top 9 Tips for a Successful Network Marketing Presentation

Presentasi MLM Top 9 Tips for a Successful Network Marketing Presentation by Maria Davies

As network marketers, we often have important information to impart and our role in doing so is a major one. Many, many times I have had the pleasure of having people approach me to say how hearing me speak literally changed their lives due to the powerful message and the persuasiveness of the delivery. Most people in MLM are not trained presenters or salespersons but there are a few steps everyone can take to make sure their message has the best possible chance of being well received. Here are my top tips:

1. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE: Not every pitch will work for everyone so before you go to present the products or the business, whether it’s to just one person or to many, do a little research to ensure you’re presenting at the appropriate level. If your presentation is too lightweight, you’ll bore them; too in depth, you’ll confuse them. Either way, they will switch off and your vital words will fall on deaf ears.

2. WIIFM: Yes, that old chestnut, but it’s worth repeating as it’s so often forgotten. Bearing in mind tip no. 1, what are the challenges faced by this person or this group of people? How does your business opportunity or your product solve their problems? Focus on answering these questions rather than trotting out the mechanics of your offering. Your audience must feel you’ve prepared your presentation specially for them, even if it’s essentially the same one you’re giving all the time.

3. CONTINUALLY LEARN AND PRACTICE PRESENTING: One of the most important skills any network marketer can hone is that of becoming an accomplished speaker. It impacts so many other areas of your life as it massively increases your self-confidence. The more professionally you can deliver your message, the more readily it will be received, the more lives you will touch and the more money you will make in your business. Learning to present well is an investment in yourself and can give you the greatest return on the capital you’ve invested.

4. HANDLE DISSENTERS WELL: One of the major fears I hear from network marketers is that of being faced with doubting prospects or those who dispute what they’re being told. Unfortunately, the tendency is to dig in and fight your corner but this can turn the discussion into an argument and work against you, especially if you’re giving a presentation in front of a group. When you’re faced with negativity, always start your answer with “That’s a very good question…” and continue with your viewpoint. Wherever possible, turn things around to make your audience right. Download a free “one-sheet crib sheet” on this important subject at

5. SHOW, DON’T TELL: Show the products you’re talking about. Let people feel, smell and see for themselves instead of just hearing what they are like. If you’re making a presentation about the business opportunity, remember that your company has probably done a lot to make things easier for you. Make sure you get the prospecting materials they offer, show the pictures of the top distributors, talk about them as if they are real people .

6. LET YOUR GUARD DOWN: People buy from those they know, like and trust. How can they do any of this if you won’t let them get to know the real you. You don’t have to be perfect, you can talk about your own challenges, beliefs, family, hopes and dreams. Doing so gives your prospects more opportunity to identify with you so you can use the similarities to build rapport.

7. STORIES INSTEAD OF FACTS: When we get excited about our products, we often delve into the features of the products, what works and why. This is all very exciting once you’ve had your first wonderful product experience, but it doesn’t make for a very exciting lead-in to your presentation. People want to know about results. They want the bottom line. There’s plenty of time to get to the detail later but to start this way could send most of your prospects to sleep (apart from the professors in the audience, of course). The best way to illustrate what your products or business opportunity can do is through telling stories. Use your own story or a case study of someone you know. Use emotive words. Remember, not just the facts, the feelings too.

8. MAKE ‘EM LAUGH: When people laugh they feel more relaxed and amenable. Every situation has a humorous side and if you’re telling a tragic story your prospects will welcome the respite that comes with a moment of levity. The golden rule is to move people: make ‘em laugh, make ‘em cry, then they buy. This is something I aim to do in every presentation because it means I’ve moved my audience emotionally. I appreciate this is an advanced technique, but if you learn how to do it, you’ll increase your success rate exponentially.

9. DON’T TELL – ASK: Instead of telling your prospects everything, get them answering questions. Rather than saying “Did you know that only 1% of people retire financially free?”, ask them “What percentage of people do you think retire financially free?”. This gets your prospects involved and if you word your questions correctly, you’re coaching them to the purchase decision rather than having to push them into buying. This is a technique I teach that I’ve perfected over the years. It works great for network marketers and women and I call it “pull selling”.

Minggu, 04 Januari 2009

Pengembangan Jaringan Tiens Dengan Filsafat Ayam

membangun jaringan tiens dengan smart filsafat ayam
Banyak di antara pelaku network marketing merasa dirinya gagal dalam menjalankan bisnis network marketing. Padahal yang benar adalah dia belum berhasil karena belum bekerja keras, cerdas, dan ikhlas. Di antara kerja cerdas adalah dengan bekerja meniru cara kerja induk ayam.

Apa yang dilakukan induk ayam?

1. Pacaran : Pacaran adalah ibarat dari prospecting mencari kenalan di manapun dan kapanpun. Di halte bis, di terminal, di dalam lift, bis, kereta, kapal laut, pesawat, dll. Gunakan strategi kenalan dengan menggunakan 'ice-breaking' menanyakan jam, tujuan, keluarga, cuaca, topik yang sedang trend saat ini, dll. Sebaiknya membekali diri dengan membaca buku Dale Carnegie "How to get friends and to influence people" yang sudah diterjemahkan menjadi bagaimana mencari kawan dan mempengaruhi orang lain.

2. Bertelur : Bertelur adalah ibarat dari sponsoring mendapatkan anggota baru.

3. Mengeram : Mengeram adalah ibarat dari melakukan konsultasi dan sharing anggota baru untuk mengajari yang bersangkutan bagaimana caranya membuat dream book, daftar nama, mengundang, presentasi, follow-up, mengenal produk, mengguanakan alat berupa buku, kaset, dan pertemuan.

4. Mengais mencari makanan bersama anak-anaknya : Memberikan contoh kepada mitra muda (down-line) bagaimana caranya sponsoring dan membina, agar terjadi duplikasi.

5. Melindungi anak-anaknya dari musuh dengan memasukkan mereka dalam dekapannya atau langsung menyerang musuh. Melindungi mitramuda baru dari virus negatif dengan memberikan jawaban yang tepat, bahkan dengan mempersiapkan imunisasi sebelum virus negatif menyerang. Melindungi mereka dari serbuan MLM lain yang akan merontokkan jaringan.

Selamat Mencoba.

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