Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

Tiens Lubricant | Varian Of Tiens Lubricant

Tiens Lubricant High Performance Diesel Engine Oil

Multi Purpose Lubricant for diesel engine and gasoline, very good for heavy duty vehicle of industry. Lubricant with anti-friction additive able to minimization friction of machine when operated
  • SAE : 15W40;API Service : CH-4 / sl
  • Can lengthen machine age
  • Can give good Lubrication although job at different temperature.
  • Preventing forming of and sediment of varnish.

Tiens Lubricant Advanced SS Engine Oil

Lubricant for gasoline engine capable to work better at different temperature. Lubricants which hold up to degrades and low evaporation level

  • SAE : 10W40;API Service : SL
  • Suited for nowadays car
  • Can lengthen machine age Can prevent forming of and sediment of varnish
  • Machine becomes ridden smooth and comfort.

Tiens Lubricant PREMIUM SE Engine Oil

Special Lubricant for gasoline engine of elementary materials of high choice with quality and with additive nowadays able to give powerful protection for machine

  • SAE : 20W50;API Service : SL / cf
  • Settled used at low and high temperature
  • Can economize fuel because machine work lightly
  • Can prevent forming of and sediment of varnish
  • Machine voice become smooth when operated

Tiens Lubricant High Performance Motorcycle Engine Oil

High quality Lubricant of motorbike machine. Have stable viscosity and suited for motor machine with technology nowadays

  • SAE : 20W50;API Service : SL "
  • Can protect motor machine at shares which is have friction
  • Machine become ridden light and balmy
  • Can economize fuel.

Tiens Lubricant High Performance Engine Oil

Lubricant for machine which is special design for car nowadays. Tiens Lubricant can work better at different temperature

  • SAE : 10W50;API Service : SM
  • Can lengthen machine age
  • Can degrade Lubricant consumption
  • Machine becomes ridden smooth and comfort.

Tiens Lubricant Premium Gear Oil

Iubricant of gearbox & Manual transmission created by nowadays technology will give powerful protection for your vehicle

  • SAE : 90;API Service : GL-5 "
  • Stability of temperature & chemical formation at all of weather types
  • Can lessen clunk and friction.

Tiens Lubricant | Memelihara Mesin kendaraan anda

Tiens Lubricant High Performance Diesel Engine Oil

Pelumas multiguna cocok untuk mesin diesel maupun bensin,baik untuk kendaraan dan industri yang memiliki tugas berat. Pelumas dengan aditif anti friksi yang dapat meminimalkan gesekan saat mesin dioperasikan.

  • SAE : 15W40;API Service : CH-4/SL
  • Membantu usia pakai mesin lebih lama
  • Mampu memberikan pelumasan yang baik walaupun temperature kerja berbeda
  • Mencegah pembentukan endapan dan varnish

Tiens Lubricant Advanced SS Engine Oil

Pelumas untuk mesin bensin yang mampu bekerja dengan baik pada temperature yang berbeda. Pelumas yang tahan terhadap degradasi dan mempunyai tingkat penguapan yang rendah.

  • SAE : 10W40;API Service : SL
  • Cocok untuk mobil keluaran terkini
  • Dapat memperpanjang usia mesin
  • Dapat mencegah pembentukan endapan dan varnish
  • Mesin menjadi ringan dikendarai dan nyaman

Tiens Lubricant PREMIUM SE Engine Oil

Pelumas yang khusus diformulasikan khusus untuk mesin bensin dari bahan dasar pilihan berkualitas tinggi dan dengan aditif terkini yang dapat memberikan perlindungan yang prima pada mesin.

  • SAE : 20W50;API Service : SL/CF
  • Mantap digunakan pada suhu tinggi maupun rendah
  • Dapat menghemat bahan bakar karena mesin bekerja dengan ringan
  • Dapat mencegah pembentukan endapan dan varnish
  • Suara mesin menjadi halus pada saat hidup

Tiens Lubricant High Performance Motorcycle Engine Oil
Pelumas mesin sepeda motor yang berkualitas tinggi, memiliki kekentalan yang stabil dan cocok untuk mesin motor dengan teknologi terkini.

  • SAE : 20W50;API Service : SL
  • Dapat melindungi mesin motor pada bagian yang bergesekan
  • Mesin menjadi ringan dikendarai dan nyaman
  • Dapat menghemat bahan bakar

Tiens Lubricant High Performance Engine Oil

Pelumas unggulan untuk mesin yang didesain khusus bagi mobil keluaran terkini. Pelumas Tiens mampu bekerja dengan baik pada temperature yang berbeda.

  • SAE : 10W50;API Service : SM
  • Dapat memperpanjang usia mesin
  • Dapat menurunkan konsumsi pelumas
  • Mesin menjadi ringan dan nyaman dikendarai

Tiens Lubricant Premium Gear Oil
Pelumas gearbox & Transmisi manual yang diciptakan dengan teknologi terkini akan memberikan perlindungan prima terhadao investasi / kendaraan anda.

  • SAE : 90;API Service : GL-5
  • Memiliki kestabilan suhu & susunan kimia pada semua jenis cuaca
  • Mampu mengurangi gesekan dan suara bising

Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

Tiens Lubricants

Tiens Lubricant created with complete additive formula and it has two special quality of additive which is proceed by “Nano Technology”.

The first element made from calcium sulfonate that working as an additive anti friction with Nano Technology, additive molecule become so soft even softer than the water molecule which is absorbed to the metal pores and shaping up a thin film layer to protect the metal friction. It will cause to keep your vehicle for longer time.

The second element is a stabiliazer additive chain molecule that work as an intensifier lubricant molecule and cause lubricant two or three times longer uses than other product.

The advantages of Tiens Lubricant :
1. Fast protection to lubricant in starting and protect the friction. Keep the piston works well.
2. Longer uses time
3. Decrease the petrol uses
4. Save the vehicle machine longer
5. Prevent the precipation and varnish
6. Its save for nature and makes you more comfort


Indonesia Version

Tiens Golden Harvest is a modern technology as a fertilizer and also used by many breeder and had been proven to boost fermentation procees of compost and boost the process of preparing media for eel cultivation and also its maintenance. By using this biological fertilizer which made by Agricultural Growth Promoting Inoculant (AGPI) technology, a mixed liquid inoculant, contains indole acetic acid and also microba indigenous that native from Indonesia, which is needed in process of soil fertilizer in biological such as Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Microbe, lactobacillus and many more. Microbe and enzyme could works best and could change hara element which is usually difficult to plants for absorb a fluid become easy for absorb. It makes efficiently in fertilizer uses.

This technology is native from Indonesia which is the result from years research of an agronomist, Dr. Ir. Lukman Gunarto MSc, who keep the research time by time to develop this product and introduce it to the farmer that head for decrease the farmer loads with the problems nowdays. This product tested and proven to decrease the farming cost up to 40% and increasing the production between 15% up to 70%.

The advantages of Tiens Golden Harvest :
1. Efficiently in production cost
2. Optimal harvest
3. Save up to 40% mixed with chemical fertilizer
4. Decrease weeds in rice plant
5. Breaking pesticide with residue up to 0%
6. Plant looks more healthy and freshy
7. Keep the soil fertile

Minggu, 27 Juli 2008

Privacy Policy

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If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number.

Rabu, 23 Juli 2008

Your Success Depends On Helping Others Succeed

Your Success Depends On Helping Others Succeed by Michael Lemm

Recent discussion at the Forum I Administrate [ HomeBasedBusinessForums.com ] focused on this concept sharing similar but divergent views...all really getting to the same thing. Listen to what others want [not what you think or believe they want] and show them how to get it [but don't succumb to doing their work for them]....and set the example for them to follow [but don't carry them on your back].

To kick it off Dan Schutte shared words of wisdom from Max Steingart......

Your success depends on helping others succeed

You're not an isolated island. You're a piece of the planet, a piece of the universe.

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.

Your success depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be, is the support of others.

When you put yourself in another's place, you'll know why they think and do certain things. You can succeed fastest by helping others to succeed.

Always think in terms of what the other person wants. You'll get everything in life that you want if you'll help enough other people get what they want.

Doing things for others always pays dividends. When you help someone's boat across a river, you'll find your own boat has reached the shore too.

©2006 by Max Steingart


My buddy Gery Dimarco of Vitamark replied with exactly what I was thinking.....

"What amazes me is how many people stumble on this principle by trying to impose what they believe other people want instead of listening to the other people, without an agenda, and hearing in that person's own words what it is they are in search of."


My friend Tony Rush of Libert League agreed....to a point. Tony added that your first responsibility to your group is to be successful YOURSELF.

You cannot serve from weakness. You can only serve effectively from strength. [ My definition is you can't hold "their" hand and "do it for them" every step of the way. But you can and should SHOW them how to do it....by doing it yourself. Set the example. ]

Below are thoughts Tony shared on this topic sometime back.


Want to hear a philosophy that almost made me go broke?

It's noble.
It's admirable.
It'll get you warm smiles and a pat on the back.
It'll also put your focus in a GREAT place for FAILURE!

Here it is...

"I'm not going to focus on my success. I'm going to only focus on the success of those in my team. I'm not going to worry about my income. If I can just get my team making money, then I know my bank account will be great."

Sounds good.
Looks good on paper.
And it's totally upside down.

Here's the philosophy of a leader.....My first responsibility to my team is for me to be successful. The best thing I can do for my team is to LEAD by example, to SET the pace, the SHOW them what's possible. To be laser-focused on my goals so that they can clearly see that they, too, can have the same experience as I.

And I cannot do that if I'm spending my time commiserating with my team mates about their challenges. I cannot do this if I'm sitting by the side of the road sympathizing with them as though I'm having the same struggles. I cannot do this if I engage in conversations with them that do nothing but reinforce the level of thinking that's producing their current results.

I can only do this by encouraging them to GET UP and run alongside me. There, I can encourage and support them. But I'm not sitting in the ditch holding their hands. That's an activity that's sure to decrease my own check.

I cannot earn a check for another human being. Subsequently, I can never build my own income by spending my time trying to coax someone to build theirs. I build my income by taking leadership and responsibility for my OWN business. And when I do this in front of my team, I'm giving them the highest level of support and service that is possible.

This doesn't sit well with the "warm and fuzzy" crowd.
This doesn't sit well with those who want to be on the Work-At-Home Peace Corp.

But, every top earner I know...every person I've known who's earning $1 million per year and up agrees with the statements above.

Or, to put it in a smaller nutshell: sympathy and empathy are NOT the same thing. Look it up!


By all means show folks how to build a fire.....by doing it yourself. Encourage them to then build their own. But do NOT cut their wood for them....carry it to the fireplace for them....and than light the match too. Teach....lead by example....listen....guide....and also hold them acountable to "cut their own wood".

Now....what do YOU think???

Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications including Real Time Leads....and the Administrator for HomeBasedBusinessForums.com. Michael also authors Best MLM Resources where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest MLM tips, ideas, tools, leads, news, and insights.

Article Source: http://netmlmarticles.com

Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008

Affiliate money: Pagerank 10 | Impian setiap blogger

Affiliate money: Pagerank 10 | Impian setiap blogger

Memilih Support System

Dalam menjalani kehidupan kita selalu dihadapkan oleh pilihan-pilihan, tentunya kita akan memilih yang terbaik untuk kita. Jalalaludien Rumi seorang guru besar dari Persia berkata : “Apa yang membuat hatimu tergetar, pilihlah itu. Karena hati adalah singgasana Tuhan; hati lebih besar dari seluruh alam semesta.”

Dalam mengambil peluang bisnis Tianshi ada dua golongan; sebagian besar mereka menunggu bukti dengan berbagai beralasan .Sisanya beraksi tuk menjadi bukti kesuksesan di Tianshi.
Dan sekali lagi hidup adalah pilihan anda bebas memilih apa yang terbaik untuk anda.

Jika anda bagian dari yang mengambil aksi saya ucapkan selamat karena anda telah berada dibisnis yang tepat dan disaat yang tepat. Kenapa saat ini Tianshi adalah bisnis yang tepat??; karena Tianshi bisa dijalankan dengan modal yang kecil tetapi akan memberikan anda unlimited passive income, anda bebas menjalankankan kapan saja dan dimana saja, bisnis ini bisa dijalankan dengan paruh waktu, artinya anda tetap menikmati gaji dari kantor sambil membangun asset di Tianshi. Semua anda yang mengatur karena andalah bos di bisnis ini.

Saat ini semua lini bisnis mau tak mau harus menggunakan teknologi dot com untuk mempublikasikannya, begitu juga membangun jaringan Tianshi. Mungkin anda bertanya mengapa harus dengan sentuhan internet ?
• Karena dengan internet, anda akan memiliki bisnis dengan jangkauan luas.
Anda tidak perlu pergi home to home untuk berpresentasi. Tapi cukup dari rumah di kenyaman ruang tidur anda / warnet di depan rumah anda.
• Anda akan mendapatkan prospect yang tepat, yang memiliki minat dan mindset yang sama dengan anda. Berbeda dengan offline anda harus membentuk minat dan mindset prospect dari 0 dengan cara berpresentasi one on one.
Anda bisa mem followup dengan automatis,
• Prospect anda akan dengan senang hati mempelajari bisnis Tianshi, Tentang market-plan, produk, reward, dan semua hal tentang Tianshi. Mereka sendiri yang mencari informasi-informasi tersebut dari website pembangun jaringan Tianshi, tanpa anda harus berpresentasi panjang lebar, dengan kata lain website akan menggantikan presentasi anda 24 jam, bahkan saat anda tertidur pulas.
• Dan didukung lagi dengan support system online handal “ Innovation success system “ yang memberikan bantuan dana, product gratis, tool builder gratis, dan spillover system ( limpahan dowline ).

Berkaitan dengan Bisnis Tianshi, berikut ini adalah perbedaan Antara Group Bisnis yang menjalankan Tianshi secara Offline dan secara Online.

Group Offline

[Di Luar InovasiBisnis.com]

Group Online


1. Fokus Jaringan Kesamping,

Antara 10 s/d 25 Frontline.

2. Tidak Memiliki Website Replikasi.

3. Tidak Memberikan Limpahan

Downline Ke Jaringan di Bawah.

4. Akumulasi Pembelanjaan Pribadi

Sebesar Rp. 2 Juta

(untuk menjadi *3), Murni Dari

Downline Sendiri.

5. Alat Bantu Bisnis, Dibeli Sendiri

oleh Downline.

1. Fokus Jaringan Kedalam,

Dengan Matrix 4 x 4.

2. Memiliki Website Replikasi.

3. Memberikan Limpahan Downline

Ke Jaringan di Bawahnya.

4. Akumulasi Pembelanjaan Pribadi

Sebesar Rp. 2 Juta

(untuk menjadi *3) di Ganti 100% /

GRATIS dari Support.

5. Alat Bantu Bisnis, Diberikan Gratis

oleh Support.

Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

The Power of Positive Thought

The Power of Positive Thought by Gordon McAlpine

Is it possible that the world’s greatest achievers think completely differently from the majority?

Do you think the Wright brothers could ever have achieved what they did if they hadn’t believed it could be done? Was Mark Spitz’s seven gold medals in swimming a result of I can’t do this? Not to mention Christopher Columbus – imagine that!!!!

Have you ever thought that success in any chosen subject be it financial, political, sporting or in anything for that matter could be and was achieved whilst the individual was in a state of negativity. i.e. I can’t do that - That’s not possible – It will never work.

I myself have been in the company of negative thinkers and let me tell you that their influence if allowed to go unchecked is very powerful and destructive.

“Look at what happens if you place a piece of rotting fruit in a bowl of fresh fruit”

That is why it is paramount that if you want to be successful in life, you must surround yourself with positive thinking individuals and to share your positive thoughts and attitudes with like minded people.

It is also equally important that you write your goals down and place them in a position where you can see and read them on a daily basis.

In the late 1950’s, 1500 students of Yale University were sent a questionnaire with topics ranging from the quality of food being served in the canteen to how easy it was to get books out of the library. However, it is the last two questions which I would like to dwell on.

1) Do you have an ambition in your life?
2) Have you written it down?

Twenty five years later, a postgraduate on discovering the existence of the questionnaires decided to carry out further research on the last two questions. Here are the results of his findings.

Over 75% of the students who completed the questionnaire had ambitions for their lives.
Only 3.3% had actually written their ambitions down.

After tracking down as many of the 3.3% (51 students) as he could he found that all of them had gone on to realise their dreams – in commerce, in government and in the professions.

Of the others he had managed to contact, they told him that most of what they had achieved had happened more by chance than design. They had ended up in careers they hadn’t planned for because they didn’t define what it was they were actually seeking to do.

Is it therefore conclusive that by writing your goals down you are actively programming or reprogramming your brain to change the way you subconsciously perceive?

“Formulate and indelibly stamp on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade – and your mind will seek to develop the picture.”
Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993),
positive thinking guru

Not having been party to the experiment which was carried out at YALE, I can neither confirm or deny it. However, I would like to carry out my own mini experiment to try and prove / disprove the power of positive thinking.

On my website at www.CorrectMindFrame.com I have created a blog with the first item being a positive thought I am going to picture in my mind over the next 12 months and on the anniversary I will report on my blog what has actually happened.

I would like as many people to participate in this project and I would therefore ask if you would be so kind as to visit my site and to note along with your details a goal which you would like to achieve and confirm that you will do what Norman Vincent Peale suggested over the next 12 months. Please also ask as many of your friends, colleagues and associates to do likewise.

Gordon McAlpine is a full time currency trader. He is relatively new to the internet and in particular to positive think and mind manifesting. You can visit his site at http://www.CorrectMindFrame.com to investigate this fascinating subject in greater detail.

Article Source: http://netmlmarticles.com

Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

Explode your Downline Using the Power of the Internet

Explode your Downline Using the Power of the Internet by Daegan Smith

In multi-level marketing, your profits will depend on the number of people you have recruited to join the program. Profits are generated through sales and referrals, so you have to get more people to know about your program. This is just the first step. Your end goal would be to get them involved in your business!

But, how are you going to do it? There are lots of programs in the internet that promise to expand your contacts. Sometimes, these programs can be to your disadvantage because they are costly. The Internet is indeed a jungle where you can get overwhelmed or lost. This jungle can also be put to good use ñ to your own advantage. To do this, here is a list of tips where you can get valuable information about exploding your downline using the internet:

1. Downline Builders

When starting an online business with affiliate or multi-level programs that have referral URLís, then it is best to get a downline builder. Some downline builder systems will let you maintain and operate your own downline club so people that just signed up will have their own unique referral IDís and a copy of your business web page. Each replicated page of new recruits can be individualized or personalized.

So, whatís the advantage? You donít have to advertise! Some downline builders have their own automated welcome letter sending, direct downline doubling, page personalization support and others. The new members you have recruited will also advertise their own web pages by publicizing their replicated pages. Plus, you can have moderator access so you can control and monitor business statistics and updates such as the number of webpage being replicated and the positive responses it produces. Downline Builders as elaborate as this can cost up to $100 or higher.

2. Advertise

You need to let people know you and your program exists. If you donít have much budget for your network marketing yet, you might want to try one of these. One way is to advertise in e-magazines (known as e-zines) and newsletters. Of course, you have to choose e-zines that are related to your business or program to inform prospective contacts of money-making opportunities. The key to this is regular monitoring. Keep track of all the positive and negative responses to your program on all the e-zines you have advertised in. If there are too many negative responses, it is best to remove your ad.

Another approach is to include signature files in your emails and messages. Besides being free, the wonderful thing about it is that it can generate more contacts that you ever expected. If you are regularly posting in a thread or community, more people will notice and visit the link to your business webpage, especially if it is highlighted or has some sort of design.

3. Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Programs

This involves bidding on a keyword or phrase that will most likely describe your program. Whenever an interested internet user searches this keyword, your program will appear, thus targeting people who want to sign up in your business. This is a very good investment if you know how to use it.

4. Sure Sign-ups

You can pay for guaranteed sign-ups for a minimal amount. This is relatively more costly than advertising and it makes sure that people would register in your business. For example, you can buy 35 sign-ups for about $20 to $25. The problem is you need adequate and regular reinforcement to egg on your new sign-ups to do expand your business more.

5. Write and Submit articles

When you write something about your business, people will know and understand more about it. Not only will you profit from the advertising, you are also building your reputation as a knowledgeable e-marketer and business owner. This naturally builds more trust, thus expanding your downline.

Remember, this type of business does not only benefit you, but your recruits as well. It is mutualism at its best ñ they do their best to make profits and you also profit from it. Good luck in expanding your business!

Daegan Smith the owner of Net
MLM Articles
and the leader of the fastest growing team of
successful home business enterpernuers on the net. Find out how we're
creating financial freedom all across the globe and how to get in on
the action FREE =>href="http://www.comlev.com">http://www.comlev.com

Article Source: http://netmlmarticles.com

Follow Your Dreams

Follow Your Dreams by Sharron Myers

It is that time of year once more when many people are working on the goals they have set for themselves for the new year. It’s the same thing every year. The goals that people set for themselves are usually along the lines of, “I want to lose weight”, “ I want to quit smoking”, “I want to exercise more” etc. Newsletters and Magazines are full of articles on how to accomplish these things.

Although the normal resolutions are good and healthy for you, they make you focus on negative aspects of your life, essentially, what you should not be doing…smoking, eating badly, being lazy etc. The problem I see with these resolutions is that it makes people think negatively and feel guilty, especially when February rolls around and they realize that they were not able to keep up with their resolutions. By thinking negatively, we set ourselves up for failure.

I want to suggest something different to you. Let us not dwell on new year resolutions that go down the drain by February, let’s focus on something a little different. Positive thinking brings results. Results make us happy and content. When we are content and focused on positive things we will find that many negative aspects of our lives fall away on their own. It is as if the body says, “I don’t need these negative things in my life anymore” and voila, they drop away without effort.

My suggestion to you is that this year we dwell on positive things. Instead of dwelling on what we want to rid ourselves of this year, let us dwell on what positive things we want to see in our lives. Let us focus on our dreams and make them a reality in our lives.

Many people don’t give much time thinking about making their dreams come true. They are caught up in the rat race of life and a worldly way of thinking. My suggestion is that we focus on a more spiritual way of thinking. Let us take the time to think about what we really want in life and then focus on setting goals that will bring us closer to our dreams.

Yes, even when following your dreams, one must set goals or we will never accomplish that which we dream of. Don’t get caught up in wishful thinking but put some action behind your thoughts. The secret to realizing your dreams is to break your objective into small steps. Ask yourself, “What do I need to do in order to accomplish this goal?” then break it down into bite size pieces.

This week we drove from Hamburg to Munich because we had to check out our new apartment and see about my fiancé’s new job out there. It is a very long drive and if you drive fast and push your limits (which most people want to do) you can make the journey in 8 hours. BUT, if you don’t want to stress yourself out, you have to make sure you take time for breaks and stretching so it ends up taking between 10-12 hours, depending on traffic etc. Then you end up at the end of the journey relaxed. Tired still, but relaxed ;-)

Think of your dreams as your destination. It may not be right around the corner, most dreams aren’t, but if you have patience, and pace yourself you WILL arrive at your destination. The problem most people run into with goal setting is that we think we can accomplish it much faster if we push themselves to the limit. When we hit problems that will slow us down, we end up getting frustrated and often give up. If, we would relax and think clearly when we hit a roadblock to our dreams, we would be able to figure out alternative routes to our destination. Detours do not mean failure and stalled traffic does not mean that we must give up and forget about our destination. We will reach our goals if we relax, persevere and be willing to figure out alternatives to our situation. We don’t need to drive ourselves like maniacs in order to reach our destination. Life is not the autobahn!

Road plan to your dreams:
1. Figure out what you want the most in life. What is your dream?

2. Set small, realistic steps so you can clearly map out the way to your destination, your dream. Remember that you cannot swim the ocean.

3. Be prepared to take an alternative route if you run into roadblocks.

4. Don’t give up. You WILL reach your destination.

This new year, let us think about the positive things we want in our life. Take the time now, to think about what you really want and then set about making up your road plan. Wishful thinking won’t accomplish anything. Make plans and follow your dreams!

“Shoot for the moon, if you miss at least you will end up amongst the stars”- Author unknown

This article is bought to you by Sharron Myers

Sharron Myers has been a teacher of Spiritual Truth for over 30 years. She also is a Certified Aromatherapist and Personal Development Consultant. Be sure to check out her site: www.sharron-myers.com

Article Source: http://netmlmarticles.com

Sabtu, 12 Juli 2008

Tiens Lubricants | Nano Technologi oil

English Version

Tiens Lubricants diciptakan dengan formula aditif yang lengkap dan khususnya Tiens Lubricants memiliki 2 jenis aditif unggulan yang diproses dengan menggunakan “Nano Technologi”.

Element yang pertama dari bahan calsium sulfonate yang berfungsi sebagai aditif anti friction (Anti gesek) dengan Nano Technologi, molekul aditif menjadi sangat halus bahkan lebih halus dari pada molekul air, sehingga dapat masuk ke dalam pori-pori metal dan membentuk lapisan film yang tipis untuk melindungi bagian-bagian metal yang bergesekan, sehingga dapat memperpanjang usia mesin kendaraan anda.
Element yang kedua adalah aditif stabiliazer molecule chain yang berfungsi sebagai penguat mata rantai molekul pelumas, sehingga masa penggantian pelumas menjadi 2 hingga 3 kali lebih lama dari pelumas merek lainnya.

Adapun manfaat dari Tiens Lubricant :

  1. Memberikan perlindungan lubrikasi degan cepat pada saat start. Memberikan perlindungan dari segi gesekan awal dan kondisi yang extreme. Mencegah keausan dan menjaga piston
  2. Penggantian Oli menjadi lebih lama
  3. Menghemat pemakaian bahan bakar
  4. Memperpanjang umur mesin kendaraan
  5. Mencegah pembentukan endapan dan varnish
  6. Tiens Lubricant ramah lingkunan dan membuat anda nyaman berkendara

Source : http://www.trisulo.com/

Tiens Golden Harvest | Pupuk Organik Tianshi

English Version

Tiens Golden Harvest adalah sebuah Teknologi modern sebagai Pupuk penyubur tanah dan tanaman, serta telah banyak dipakai oleh banyak pembudidaya BELUT dan terbukti dapat mempercepat proses fermentasi pupuk kompos dan juga mempercepat proses pada persiapan media budidaya BELUT dan pemeliharaanya. Dengan menggunakan pupuk hayati Tiens Golden Harvest yang dibuat dengan teknologi Agricultural Growth Promoting Inoculant (AGPI), suatu inokulan campuran yang berbentuk cair, mengandung hormon tumbuh indole acetic acid serta mikroba indigenous (mikroba tanah setempat) asli indonesia, yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses penyuburan tanah secara biologi antara lain Azospirillum, Azotobacter, mikroba pelarut P, Lactobacillus, dan mikroba pendegrasi selulosa. Mikroba dan enzim tersebut dapat bekerja secara maksimal dan dapat mengubah unsur hara yang tadinya sulit untuk diserap tanaman menjadi unsur hara yang mudah diserap oleh tanaman sehingga penggunaan pupuk menjadi sangat efisien.

Teknologi ini adalah asli Indonesia yang merupakan hasil riset bertahun-tahun dari seorang ahli biologi tanah yang bernama Dr.Ir.Lukman Gunarto MSc. yang tidak kenal lelah untuk mengembangkan dan mengenalkan teknologi ini, yang mempunyai tujuan untuk meringankan beban petani dengan masalah biaya produksi pertanian sekarang ini sangatlah mahal. Produk ini Sudah teruji Dan terbukti mampu menghemat biaya produksi pertanian sampai 40% dan sanggup meningkatkan produksi atau hasil pertanian antara 15% hingga 70%.

Keunggulan dan Keuntungan dari Tiens Golden Harvest :

  1. Biaya produksi efisien
  2. Hasil panen optimal
  3. Dipadukan dengan pupuk kimia bisa menghemat sebesar 40% s/d 50%
  4. Mengurangi timbulnya gulma pada tanaman padi
  5. Dapat memecah pestisida dengan residu s/d 0%
  6. Penampilan tanaman lebih sehat dan segar
    Kesuburan lahan terjaga

Source : http://www.trisulo.com/

Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

Take The Leap And Just Do It Now

Take The Leap And Just Do It Now by jim mack

Would you like to work for yourself from home? Oh! You have you been toying with the idea for a while now. So what is holding you back? I know you linger over those classifieds offering work from home opportunities. You sit for hours in front of your computer viewing web sites. Why is it taking so long? There is nothing very scary about leaving your name and email address. Ah! It is that little voice inside saying " it's a scam" or "It's too good to be true".

Maybe I can help. I was also hearing that voice. A 40-year young mum of 3 boys under 9, working in a 24/7 call center doing 10 hour shifts. Oh! It was great; I only had to work 4 days a week one of those days was Saturday till 9.00pm. A small sacrifice to make to still earn a full time wage I was home 3 nights to have dinner with the family and I had Sundays free to catch up on the housework.

Finally I realized the whole thing was ridiculous, I hated it, my family hated it and I took the leap. I now run my business from home. My once skeptical partner is now planning his retirement, and looking forward to staying home and fishing a lot, possibly one downside to all this, (no just joking, really!).

Let me share some information with you that I discovered while on my search for a home based opportunity. Multi Level marketing is the way to go. There are plenty of ethical and successful MLM companies out there with great products and marketing plans. If you are concerned make sure they are registered with the Direct Selling Association.

Why MLM you ask? It costs very little to begin. There is very little overhead. It doesn't require long hours and you can decide when and how many hours you want to commit from one day to the next. You don't have to leave your current job. You can take your business anywhere you go and you can work it from anywhere you want. Absolutely anyone can do it. Regardless of your education, race, color or religion everyone starts off on an equal footing, the rest is up to the individual. You get to meet a lot of great people who all share a common goal and interest and who nurture each other as a team.

Your first exposure to the Business will be your Sponsor. Listen to what they say. They provide you with the initial information you need to make your first decision. Is this business right for you? Sponsors should not make you feel like you have been backed into a corner. It is as much in their interest to make sure you fully understand the business as it is yours so you can make an educated decision on whether or not a particular opportunity is right for you.

Do your homework. Ask people have they heard of the company or the brand and have they tried it. You want to hear facts and testimonials like buying a car. Does the marketing plan offer good compensation ? Does it offer continuous growth? Is the Company Local or is your business going to be able to grow Internationally? Make sure the product you will be moving is usable and will need replenishing. More importantly make sure you are comfortable with the product. You need to become what we call "A product of the product" then before you know it the rest just happens.

I hope I have succeeded in arming you with a bit more information that you had 5 minutes ago. Now! Go back to those businesses that have been lingering in the back of your mind and order that information pack. When it's right for you, you will know. Your first conversation with your sponsor will leave you excited. You will find yourself thinking of all the people whom you can show this product to and all the people who you know that need to see this opportunity. Figures will start calculating in your head and you will keep thinking about it over and over.

When that happens it's time to take the leap! Whatever you do don't look back, hold onto your vision even if you are the only person who can see it and don't ever lose sight of your dreams and goals. Good luck!

Jim Mack is the leading authority in teaching actual methods - proven, practical strategies that work. In fact, Jim truly lives the principles he teaches and is the epitome of leading by example. See him at http://www.whoisjimmack.com and http://www.passivecashcow.com

Article Source: http://netmlmarticles.com

Minggu, 06 Juli 2008

MLM Matrix Pay Plans - Do They Work?

MLM Matrix Pay Plans - Do They Work? by Aziz Jangbar

Have you joined MLM Companies hoping to get spillover? Maybe you saw an ad promising huge spillover if you joined right away. I have to be honest; I have joined many many programs like that thinking that I was going to get spillover from my upline's efforts.

Guess what? I was disappointed every time I joined with such an intention. Not because I didn't get any spillover, many times I got plenty of spillover, but I didn't make any significant amounts of money. Why? Because there was only so much my upline could do for me, they could only put so many people under me, and they could not qualify me to earn at higher pay levels. In the end, it depended on me to continue the growth. I won't get into the details of how Matrix Pay Plans and Spillover works, I will assume here that you are familiar with the concepts.

What I want to emphasize here is that no company in its right mind, MLM or not MLM, will pay you for doing nothing. The compensation plans are designed to reward those who generate business. Companies can only afford to pay those individuals who create growth for the company; otherwise, they will not last very long. So if I join a MLM company with the hopes of making money by not doing anything, I am not going to earn much. I may receive some small checks, but nothing to get excited about.

I am sure there are people who will argue that there are opportunities out there that have no sponsoring requirements, all you have to do is sign up and make money with them. Well, all I have to say to that is that they won't last. It simply doesn't make business sense. Why would someone want to pay you for doing nothing?

So when people don't make money in a Matrix Plan by depending on spillover, it is not the Matrix Pay Plan that's failing, it is the individual that's failing, because of the do-nothing-and-make-money attitude.

The Matrix Pay Plan is an excellent concept if approached with reasonable expectations and promoted responsibly by Network Marketers. By allowing you to put only a fixed number of people on each level, you are forced to help your downline grow. More teamwork is created and relationships are formed. Fixed number of people on each level also helps you build deep, and building deep means more long-term security for you, your upline and your downline.

Matrix Pay Plans make it easy to teach duplication to your downline. If just 2 people are allowed on your first level, then you can teach everyone in your downline to get their 2 and then help the people under them to get their 2 and so on. Spillover from all the activity can help speed up the growth and create momentum for the whole team.

As long as you don't get into a MLM opportunity that uses a Matrix Pay Plan with the expectation of making a fortune without doing any real work, you will find this type of a Pay Plan to be a great way to build a team that works together to produce long-term residual income.

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: Permission is granted to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as it is published "as is" without any changes made including this paragraph and the author information below with the active link in it.

Aziz Jangbar is a successful businessman and an entrepreneur. He has a passion for Network Marketing and is helping many people build growing downlines. To see how you can benefit from his efforts, visit http://www.GetRichWithVitamins.com

Article Source: http://netmlmarticles.com



How would you do that? Here are some tips on how to live the life of your dreams:

1. Be practical.

With today’s commodities escalating really high, nothing comes close to living a happy and contented life than being practical when it comes to expenditures.

Managing your money will teach you responsibility. And when you have saved enough for the rainy day, you know that you have provided your family with a good future they can depend on.

It is all about practicality. Having worked hard for the money, you should know that a sense of security will only come from savings and wise investments.

2. Set goals.

When you want to achieve something, be sure that you really want your goal and not be fickle-minded about it. For example, if there is a certain amount involved, say when you want to save on something you want to obtain in the future, be specific with the amount.

Set your goals based on your priorities in life and set a time-frame for each goal. Try to map out each goal and check on it every month. And when you are ready with contingency plans or other money-making tactics to make your goals achievable based on the timeframe you have set, everything will sink in smoothly as it should be.

3. Curb spending.

If you have been used to spending or buying things without taking into consideration the price, chances are you and your family will be miserable in the near future.

In order to live the life of your dreams, you have to learn how to spend money wisely. It is best that you keep track of all your day-to-day expenses.

If you have some loans to pay, keep a close watch on your monthly expenses so that you can get everything paid off. With a constant monitoring on your expenses, you’ll soon realize that what you have been saving for will soon reap better results in the future.

4. Live a healthy life.

If you don’t, then all of the things you have been working so hard will just go to waste. How can you live the life of your dreams if you are not healthy enough to enjoy its pleasures?

Living a wonderful life is not all about money and material things. To be happy and fulfilled in life is to be healthy as well. As they say, health is wealth.

5. Believe in the strength of your dreams.

There is only one thing that spells the difference between having money and having none. It is the attitude that matters most.

Living the life of your dreams is how you make it and not what destiny has it for you. There are instances wherein life can be really difficult. But what makes you live life to its fullest is not about giving in to your circumstances, it is more on how you fight back.

Do not be ashamed of who you are. If you keep on feeling low and subdued, chances are you’ll not be happy with your life. It is all in the attitude.

For example, before you can save, you have to have the money to save, and this is all a matter of attitude. Some people want to become rich, yet what are they doing? They just sleep in late then go to places to bet on lotteries hoping to get instant riches. That kind of attitude will not bring you anywhere.

All of the se things boil down to the point that in order to live the life of your dreams you really have to work hard on it. Coupled with a good attitude and optimism, what you have in your dreams will finally soon come true.

Best of all, you need focus to your dreams. If you really want to live the life of your dreams, go for it. Do not let life’s trials despair you. In fact, these are just God’s ways to keep you holding on. And that’s what matters most; hold on so that you can live the life of your dreams.

Daegan Smith the owner of Net
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the action FREE =>href="http://www.comlev.com">http://www.comlev.com

Article Source: http://netmlmarticles.com

Choosing The Right MLM Opportunity Is Your First Step To Success!

Choosing The Right MLM Opportunity Is Your First Step To Success! by Edmund Toh

Are you currently in an MLM company with products that you are really enthusiastic about? Do you want to just share this business opportunity with other people and have them join up with you and experience the same joy and happiness you have?

Honestly, I feel happy for you if you are. But if you think this is all about making cold calls and trying to get leads all day I’m sorry to tell you this isn’t the case. As the title suggests, we are going to find the RIGHT MLM opportunity that WILL get you started on your 1st steps to success!

Let me ask you, if given a choice between passion and money. Which would you choose? Money sure sounds tempting, but it is ultimately passion that will give you the drive, fulfilment and yes the money as well.

In the same way, would you join an MLM opportunity for their really good products or services that you feel can benefit yourself and others? Or do you join because you’ve heard you can really earn a lot through this? For the latter, there are many ways you can go.

First, you make it through. Not great, but just ok. Secondly, money is your only motivation so you can’t get excited about your product/service and this reflects in your presentations and eventually your sales. Thirdly, your lead list might suffer. If you decide to try and sell a product you are not enthusiastic about and then suddenly switch products but this time one that really excites you what will they think?

Their impression of you might be that you are fickle minded and might end up changing opportunities again. That isn’t healthy for your contact list at all. Lastly, if you wouldn’t buy a product or use the service, then is telling others to do what you have not done justifiable?

Let’s get straight to the point. To have any vision of success, you need to be involved in an MLM opportunity or company that does something you have an interest in. With the interest, enthusiasm and motivation comes naturally and everything will fall in place. You won’t get discouraged so easily and the money u earn is but a bonus.

As for the money part, there ARE companies that have really low commission rates such that to attain your 5 figure income you have to get a few thousand people under you it isn’t really worth it. Or that the products that the company sells are being sold at very high rates, higher than that of the retail market. There should be a balance between passion and your earning potential as well. You don’t want to do something you love and still end up with bread and water everyday right? It’s the same point.

Congratulations! You have just taken that 1st step towards massive success. You’ve learned to walk; now it’s time to run. Stretch your dreams and success further. If you haven’t, you should try out internet/online marketing.

Honestly there isn’t a better platform than this to reach out and get leads. Doesn’t matter if you can’t fork out much and the leads are more specific to your target group. With the internet, getting traffic is a breeze as well.

With blogging, forums, signing people up automatically with a good reliable system, and numerous other ways to draw traffic to you.

I hope you have found this useful to you. So find what interests you, start marketing online and success will be at your doorstep before you know it.

Edmund Toh is an Internet MLM Expert and also the owner of Internet MLM University. Internet MLM University helps Network Marketers to generate an endless stream of FREE leads that are predisposed to wanting to join you in your MLM Business and ONLY YOU before you ever speak to them by using the power of web 2.0 and proven system. You can instantly download your Exclusive Copy Of “The Extinction Of Dinosaur MLM Prospecting” Report by visiting http://www.InternetMLMUniversity.com

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any e-zine, newsletter, blog, or website. The author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Article Source: http://netmlmarticles.com

To Be Successful, You Must Stay Motivated!

To Be Successful, You Must Stay Motivated! by Nicky Pilkington

If you surveyed 50 people asking each their definition of success, chances are you would receive fifty different answers. Even so, there are certain steps everyone must follow in order to be successful. One of the most important is - staying motivated.

Do you have a new job? Have you started your own business? Are you in the process of earning a degree? Do you have the desire to lose weight? If one of these scenarios are a recent event in your life, you are probably still excited about the opportunity. That also probably means you are motivated, as well. Excitement and motivation, often, work hand in hand.

But, how do you stay motivated after several weeks or months have gone by? How do you maintain the same level of excitement that you had when you began your new adventure?

There are many things you can do to stay motivated. It is important to set aside a few minutes or more, each day, in an effort to keep your motivation level at its highest. There will be days that you may feel less motivated then usual. Let's face it; we all have a bad day now and then. So, by doing all that you can to maintain a positive attitude, your "down days" will probably be few and far between.

Read a book. There are hundreds of books that have been written on the topic of motivation. Visit your local bookstore or library and browse the shelves. Ask the clerk or librarian for author and title recommendations. Both will be happy to help you.

If you have a busy schedule, don't despair. Set aside 15 or 20 minutes each day. Even if you only read a few pages, during that time, it WILL help to keep you motivated. I do it and can attest to the fact that it really DOES work!

If you are in the process of achieving a goal such as weight loss or top salesperson, make a "dream board". A dream board is a poster, of sorts. If a trimmer figure is your goal, cut out pictures of the new wardrobe you will someday buy.

If you dream of out-selling your peers, find pictures of your dream home or vacation destination... of the new car you would LOVE to drive. Make a collage with these pictures and hand it somewhere where you will see it each day.

There are many other things you can do to stay motivated. Believe in yourself. Stay healthy. Maintain a positive attitude.

You will be amazed at what you can achieve!

Find out more about Mental Health at healthandfinesse.com

Article Source: http://netmlmarticles.com

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