Chinese herbs, on the other hand, offer a natural alternative to the toxic, and hazardous side effects of western drugs. For 5,000 years Chinese doctors have been prescribing these natural drugs, which are non-toxic and entirely suitable for human consumption. This timetested tradition focuses on things that are all natural, not chemically created. Tianshi products have proven to be safe, and effective, in promoting good health for more than 15 million users of the products worldwide! This is incredible success story, and it.s reflected in our reorder rate, which is about 90%.
5,000 years of experience in the processing and blending of herbs has taught the Chinese many invaluable lessons. Chinese pharmacologists usually blend from 4 to 8 different herbs into formulas that are designed to target specific imbalances within the body. The patient is told to make a soup (or tea) of the herbs and drink it. Although we call it "tea," many patients, especially westerners, find the taste less than "delightful." For this reason
Tianshi offers its formulations in pill or capsule form. Tianshi.s researchers have gone through many ancient and imperial formulas with a fine toothed comb. Many of these formulas have been kept secret for thousands of years. Our researchers have sought out the best of the best, and duplicated them to find exactly what.s in them. They then created modern formulas that surpass the old by combining them with the latest in modern medical research and biotechnology. Long practice has proven that herbal remedies are a
safe and effective means of preventing diseases through maintaining wellness. In
Herbal medicine has finally come of age. Chinese herbal tradition is now being embraced by more and more healthcare professionals in every field, from traditional western doctors, to specialists in sports medicine, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, midwives, and many others. An example of why it is spreading so rapidly can be seen in a recent newspaper article reporting that at the latter stages of prostate cancer, thousands of men have been turning successfully to a centuries-old Chinese herbal remedy. According to studies in two well-regarded medical journals, the Journal of Urology and the Journal of Clinical Oncology, for an estimated 10,000
There are many other such .discoveries. being made by modern medical professionals in
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