Recent discussion at the Forum I Administrate [ ] focused on this concept sharing similar but divergent views...all really getting to the same thing. Listen to what others want [not what you think or believe they want] and show them how to get it [but don't succumb to doing their work for them]....and set the example for them to follow [but don't carry them on your back].
To kick it off Dan Schutte shared words of wisdom from Max Steingart......
Your success depends on helping others succeed
You're not an isolated island. You're a piece of the planet, a piece of the universe.
Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.
Your success depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be, is the support of others.
When you put yourself in another's place, you'll know why they think and do certain things. You can succeed fastest by helping others to succeed.
Always think in terms of what the other person wants. You'll get everything in life that you want if you'll help enough other people get what they want.
Doing things for others always pays dividends. When you help someone's boat across a river, you'll find your own boat has reached the shore too.
©2006 by Max Steingart
My buddy Gery Dimarco of Vitamark replied with exactly what I was thinking.....
"What amazes me is how many people stumble on this principle by trying to impose what they believe other people want instead of listening to the other people, without an agenda, and hearing in that person's own words what it is they are in search of."
My friend Tony Rush of Libert League a point. Tony added that your first responsibility to your group is to be successful YOURSELF.
You cannot serve from weakness. You can only serve effectively from strength. [ My definition is you can't hold "their" hand and "do it for them" every step of the way. But you can and should SHOW them how to do doing it yourself. Set the example. ]
Below are thoughts Tony shared on this topic sometime back.
Want to hear a philosophy that almost made me go broke?
It's noble.
It's admirable.
It'll get you warm smiles and a pat on the back.
It'll also put your focus in a GREAT place for FAILURE!
Here it is...
"I'm not going to focus on my success. I'm going to only focus on the success of those in my team. I'm not going to worry about my income. If I can just get my team making money, then I know my bank account will be great."
Sounds good.
Looks good on paper.
And it's totally upside down.
Here's the philosophy of a leader.....My first responsibility to my team is for me to be successful. The best thing I can do for my team is to LEAD by example, to SET the pace, the SHOW them what's possible. To be laser-focused on my goals so that they can clearly see that they, too, can have the same experience as I.
And I cannot do that if I'm spending my time commiserating with my team mates about their challenges. I cannot do this if I'm sitting by the side of the road sympathizing with them as though I'm having the same struggles. I cannot do this if I engage in conversations with them that do nothing but reinforce the level of thinking that's producing their current results.
I can only do this by encouraging them to GET UP and run alongside me. There, I can encourage and support them. But I'm not sitting in the ditch holding their hands. That's an activity that's sure to decrease my own check.
I cannot earn a check for another human being. Subsequently, I can never build my own income by spending my time trying to coax someone to build theirs. I build my income by taking leadership and responsibility for my OWN business. And when I do this in front of my team, I'm giving them the highest level of support and service that is possible.
This doesn't sit well with the "warm and fuzzy" crowd.
This doesn't sit well with those who want to be on the Work-At-Home Peace Corp.
But, every top earner I know...every person I've known who's earning $1 million per year and up agrees with the statements above.
Or, to put it in a smaller nutshell: sympathy and empathy are NOT the same thing. Look it up!
By all means show folks how to build a doing it yourself. Encourage them to then build their own. But do NOT cut their wood for them....carry it to the fireplace for them....and than light the match too. Teach....lead by also hold them acountable to "cut their own wood".
Now....what do YOU think???
Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications including Real Time Leads....and the Administrator for Michael also authors Best MLM Resources where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest MLM tips, ideas, tools, leads, news, and insights.
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