In multi-level marketing, your profits will depend on the number of people you have recruited to join the program. Profits are generated through sales and referrals, so you have to get more people to know about your program. This is just the first step. Your end goal would be to get them involved in your business!
But, how are you going to do it? There are lots of programs in the internet that promise to expand your contacts. Sometimes, these programs can be to your disadvantage because they are costly. The Internet is indeed a jungle where you can get overwhelmed or lost. This jungle can also be put to good use ñ to your own advantage. To do this, here is a list of tips where you can get valuable information about exploding your downline using the internet:
1. Downline Builders
When starting an online business with affiliate or multi-level programs that have referral URLís, then it is best to get a downline builder. Some downline builder systems will let you maintain and operate your own downline club so people that just signed up will have their own unique referral IDís and a copy of your business web page. Each replicated page of new recruits can be individualized or personalized.
So, whatís the advantage? You donít have to advertise! Some downline builders have their own automated welcome letter sending, direct downline doubling, page personalization support and others. The new members you have recruited will also advertise their own web pages by publicizing their replicated pages. Plus, you can have moderator access so you can control and monitor business statistics and updates such as the number of webpage being replicated and the positive responses it produces. Downline Builders as elaborate as this can cost up to $100 or higher.
2. Advertise
You need to let people know you and your program exists. If you donít have much budget for your network marketing yet, you might want to try one of these. One way is to advertise in e-magazines (known as e-zines) and newsletters. Of course, you have to choose e-zines that are related to your business or program to inform prospective contacts of money-making opportunities. The key to this is regular monitoring. Keep track of all the positive and negative responses to your program on all the e-zines you have advertised in. If there are too many negative responses, it is best to remove your ad.
Another approach is to include signature files in your emails and messages. Besides being free, the wonderful thing about it is that it can generate more contacts that you ever expected. If you are regularly posting in a thread or community, more people will notice and visit the link to your business webpage, especially if it is highlighted or has some sort of design.
3. Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Programs
This involves bidding on a keyword or phrase that will most likely describe your program. Whenever an interested internet user searches this keyword, your program will appear, thus targeting people who want to sign up in your business. This is a very good investment if you know how to use it.
4. Sure Sign-ups
You can pay for guaranteed sign-ups for a minimal amount. This is relatively more costly than advertising and it makes sure that people would register in your business. For example, you can buy 35 sign-ups for about $20 to $25. The problem is you need adequate and regular reinforcement to egg on your new sign-ups to do expand your business more.
5. Write and Submit articles
When you write something about your business, people will know and understand more about it. Not only will you profit from the advertising, you are also building your reputation as a knowledgeable e-marketer and business owner. This naturally builds more trust, thus expanding your downline.
Remember, this type of business does not only benefit you, but your recruits as well. It is mutualism at its best ñ they do their best to make profits and you also profit from it. Good luck in expanding your business!
Daegan Smith the owner of Net
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