Tiens Golden Harvest is a modern technology as a fertilizer and also used by many breeder and had been proven to boost fermentation procees of compost and boost the process of preparing media for eel cultivation and also its maintenance. By using this biological fertilizer which made by Agricultural Growth Promoting Inoculant (AGPI) technology, a mixed liquid inoculant, contains indole acetic acid and also microba indigenous that native from Indonesia, which is needed in process of soil fertilizer in biological such as Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Microbe, lactobacillus and many more. Microbe and enzyme could works best and could change hara element which is usually difficult to plants for absorb a fluid become easy for absorb. It makes efficiently in fertilizer uses.
This technology is native from Indonesia which is the result from years research of an agronomist, Dr. Ir. Lukman Gunarto MSc, who keep the research time by time to develop this product and introduce it to the farmer that head for decrease the farmer loads with the problems nowdays. This product tested and proven to decrease the farming cost up to 40% and increasing the production between 15% up to 70%.
The advantages of Tiens Golden Harvest :
1. Efficiently in production cost
2. Optimal harvest
3. Save up to 40% mixed with chemical fertilizer
4. Decrease weeds in rice plant
5. Breaking pesticide with residue up to 0%
6. Plant looks more healthy and freshy
7. Keep the soil fertile
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