Minggu, 01 Maret 2009


In traditional Chinese medical philosophy, health is described in terms of balance within the body, or yin and yang. Yin refers to blood and essence, while yang refers to vital warmth and Chi. Chi is energy, the life force that flows within us. It.s probably best described as energy resulting from metabolic activity. According to Chinese philosophy, there are two basic principles, and while they sometimes oppose, they are nevertheless, dependent upon each other. The two principles are yin and yang, and their characteristics may be summarized as follows: Yang . male, light, hot, strong, positive, active, sun, spring, summer.

Yin . female, dark, cold, weak, negative, passive, earth, autumn, winter. Although yin and yang may at time be opposites, they are not hostile to each other, each has need of the other, for without one, the other could not exist, nor is one superior to the other. Man is considered to be a microcosm of the universe, and subject to the same laws. The forces of yin and yang are expressed in the body  through such things as contraction and dilation of the heart, inhaling and exhaling of the lungs, and the opposites of waking and sleeping. Balanced blood and Chi open the door to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. If the pathways of energy become blocked, disharmony and disease result. When the Chi is allowed to flow unobstructed through the energy meridians in our body, energy is again harmonized, and the blockages that cause disharmony and disease are removed. You.ll feel better physically, emotionally, and spiritually, creating a renewed sense of well being, making you feel better equipped to handle life.s many challenges.

One of the most important concepts that form yin and yang is that of wholeness. The basic idea is that any system of our body is inseparable from the others. When one organ becomes unhealthy, the others are disturbed as well. While treating one part of the body,

one must pay attention to the other systems of the body, and take heed not to hurt the other organs. Diseases arise because of deficiency or imbalance of the vital energy in our organs, and their associated systems.

An example of this philosophy can be seen in how the Chinese deal with shortness of breath. When considering shortness of breath, Chinese Doctors say the spleen must also be strengthened so that it can support the lungs. So when dealing with this condition, rather than simply addressing the lungs, they also prescribe e treating the spleen. This .whole systems. approach is what distinguishes Chinese herbal practices from Western medicine. Just like an athlete who has competed in a race, and who.s body needs time to recover from the effects of the race, so also our bodies internal systems expend energy performing their critical functions, and need their these energy reserves replenished regularly. Yin Tonics are said to replenish the body.s resources, its blood and essence. Yang tonics are said to build the bodies ability to use those resources by converting them to energy, or Chi and warmth. Yin is stored potential energy, and yang is active or metabolic energy generated during activity.

The kidneys are spoken of as the .Root of Life. ; because they are the foundation upon which the body grows, develops, and reproduces. Generally speaking athletes are advised to take kidney yin tonics on days that they are practicing, kidney yang tonics on days they

compete, and yin and yang tonics during the recuperation phase. Because Tianshi, like TCM, views the body as a vitally integrated whole rather than simply a collection of parts, they offer a .whole system. approach to promoting good health for your entire body with safe, non-toxic, proven products. Chinese Doctors use all natural (not chemically created) products as they attempt to address the .source. of problems or ailments, and not just ’treat the symptoms’. The Chinese approach goes one step further, making the goal preventative treatment, rather than focusing on crisis management. . It is too late to craft weapons after the battle has begun. , goes an ancient proverb. It is no wonder that Chinese doctors, who subscribe to Traditional Chinese Medicine, rarely need to deal with the many unfavorable side effects and negative reactions that their western counterparts are constantly plagued with. The Chinese have been refining their formulas performing for 5,000 years, and have been doing their . product tests. on people, not animals. Tianshi has taken the best from centuries of these all-natural Chinese herbal traditions, and combined this time-tested knowledge with modern medical practices to create its award-winning herbal formulations. This ’whole system’, or holistic approach, is adopted by every formula in Tianshi.s fine product line.

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