Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

8-Star Consultant

This is the eighth rank of Independent Consultant

Qualification Requirements:

Option 1:

Any 3-Star Consultant or above having at least three direct networks, with a 7-Star Consultant in each network or will be advancing to a 7-Star Consultant in the next month, and the CBV of his/her total network reaches 400,000 BV or more advances to an 8-Star Consultant.

Option 2:

Any 3-Star Consultant or above having at least two direct networks, with a 7-Star Consultant in each network or will be advancing to a 7-Star Consultant in the next month, and the CBV of his/her total network reaches 800,000 BV or more advances to an 8-Star Consultant.

Option 3:

Any 3-Star Consultant or above having at least two direct networks, with a 7-Star Consultant in each network and at least 4 direct networks with a 6-Star Consultant in each network, and CBV of his/her total network reaches 400,000 BV or more advances to an 8-Star Consultant.











Option 4:

Any 3-Star Consultant or above having at least one direct network, with a 7-Star Consultant or

above and having at least 6 direct networks with a 6-Star Consultant in each direct network, and the CBV of his/ her total network reaches 400,000 BV or more advances to an 8-Star Consultant.

Maintenance Requirements:

Firstly, if your PBV reaches or exceeds 100 BV or Auto-ship 50 BV, as an 8-Star Consultant you will receive 40% of your DBV as a Direct Bonus as well as the corresponding Indirect Bonus. (Earn up to 35% on the 1BV of 2-Star consultant, up to 20% on the 1BV of 3-Star consultant, up to 16% on the 1BV of 4-Star Consultant, up to 12% on the 1BV of 5-Star Consultant, up to 8% on the1BV of 6-Star Consultant and up to 4% on the 1BV of 7-Star Consultant) Secondly, you will receive a Leadership Bonus, which is 1% of the GBV of your first level SSC, 1% of the GBV

of your second, 0.5% of the GBV of your third, 0.5% of the GBV of your fourth, 0.5% of the GBV of your fifth level SSC on the condition that your GBV reaches 2000 BV or more, if you have been promoted by Option 1, 2, 3 & 4.



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