Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

1-Star Consultant:

This is the first rank of Independent Consultant in the Tiens Compensation Plan.


Qualification Requirements:


Any person who is introduced by a qualified Sponsor to Tiens Australia Pty Ltd, purchases a Tiens Business Kit and then becomes a Tiens Independent Consultant after authorization by the Company.


Maintenance Requirements:


As a 1-Star Consultant you can purchase Tiens products at wholesale price, earn retail profit and sponsor others into the Tiens organization.





The total of your personal organizations sales volume used for calculation of bonuses at the Generation Bonus level of the plan. As an 8-Star Consultant, the PGBV is calculated by combining your personal sales (PBV) with the sales volume created by all Downline members below the 8-Star rank and only between you and the next 1C who has reached the level of 8-Star Consultant.




A regular customer who is only interested in consuming the product and not in becoming an Independent Consultant. The PC buys at Wholesale Prices but does not participate in the Compensation Plan. They are, therefore, not entitled to receive any bonuses. The BV derived from the sale goes into their Sponsor’s Personal BV who receives a Direct Bonus if their ranking is 3-Star or above.




The margin between the price at which a Consultant purchases the products (Wholesale Price) and the price at which these products are sold (Retail Price).




A Consultant in your Downline with the same status as you.



A person who recruits another Independent Consultant into his/her organization and who is responsible to help that new person until they are trained well enough to work on their own. No money is ever paid for the act of recruiting or sponsoring an Independent Consultant.




The total BV generated by a Consultant’s network in a particular month.


UPLINE: Person who is your sponsor, and their sponsor, and their sponsor, etc.


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