Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

Tiens | Chinese herbal tradition is alive and well.

Herbs are complex living organisms, often composed of a multitude of interacting  chemicals. In fact a single plant may have as many as 10,000 chemical constituents. If one or more of these chemicals have a beneficial effect on the body, the chances are good that there are other still undiscovered benefits that are still unknown to us. All too often, however, when an herb is identified as beneficial in a certain area, it becomes stereotyped, and its other beneficial benefits are left in obscurity. Blending them with other herbs magnifies the power of herbs.


This intensifies their effect causing the blend to give superior results to the use of single herbs. The world is on the brink of a new era in herbal research, and Tianshi.s many fine researchers are leading this charge. New technologies and partnerships will be formed as two worlds intertwine, commingling the mysteries of the east, with the best of western technology, as the two combine their efforts in the science of botanical remedies. Herbs come in two classes, medicinal herbs and tonic herbs. Medicinal herbs, like western drugs, are used to target specific diseases and to treat them. They sometimes have toxic side effects. Tonic herbs are non-toxic and are used to tone and balance the body. All Tianshi herbs are tonic herbs, and are formulated to tone and balance the bodies five systems.


The Five Systems


According to Chinese teaching, the body is composed of five systems:


1. Heart system . heart, small intestines, tongue, and sweat

2. Liver system . liver, gall bladder, eyes, anger/stress

3. Kidney system . kidney, bladder, reproductive system, genetic inheritance, urine, ear, bones

4. Spleen system . spleen, stomach, mouth, digestive function, immune function, muscle

5. Lung system . lung, large intestines, nose, skin


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