one time you have setup your AdSense account and updated your website with AdSense code, you would certainly be looking ahead to earning some income from the AdSense Ads. Though income will begin accruing to your AdSense account almost instantly, the actual payments to you are based on certain rules that Google has laid out for all website owners that have an AdSense account.
1. The first and the most vital regulation is that Google will make a fee to you only when your account balance is $100 or more. Also, these payments are prepared by Google within 30 days of the last day of calendar month throughout which you achieve an account balance of $100 or more. If your account balance is under $100 on the last day of the month, the balance just rolls over to the next month and this continues till you really have at least $100 in your account. You can simply make sure your account balance by logging-in into your AdSense account.
2. clearly, Google will only be able to pay you only if you provide them with the information that is required for payments. This includes the Payee information and contact details that you specified at the time of signing-up for an AdSense account. Though you can edit most of this information, state and Payee name cannot be changed at this stage (i.e. after the account has been accepted by Google). If you need to get these changed, you will have to close your AdSense account and open a new one.
3. You will also need to submit your tax information using the Tax information link on the My Account tab. This information is essential irrespective of your location and, in any case, Google would not course of action your payment without the tax information.
4. You also need to detail the mode of payment. This can be done through the ‘Payment Information’ link on the ‘My Account’ tab. Just check the options available for your location and choose the one that greatest suits you.
5. As soon as your AdSense account balance reaches $50, Google will mail (snail mail) a PIN number to your payment address. You will need to enter this PIN into your account before you happen to qualified for payments from Google.
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